
based in berlin


originally from vietnam

based in berlin


What is my photography about?

My photography is all about capturing street style looks from different countries, cities and cultures to show the beauty, creativity and diversity of street fashion from all over the world. In my opinion, street style is best captured with snapshots taken in spontaneous situations. My photography is all about realness and showing the clothes and the wearer in their raw, authentic form. Strong, vibrant and harmonizing colours combined with a strong yet subtle storytelling are especially important to me and define most of my work.

Why do I photograph street style?

The short version: I love fashion and I love photography. Why not combine the two? But of course – that is not all. I love the challenge of capturing the spirit of people who are enthusiastic and passionate about fashion – just like me. In a way, I see my photos as freezing time and letting fleeting moments and emotions live on forever in a single picture. I also love the thrill of the chase. Streetstyle photography is dynamic, spontaneous and unexpected. You never know what you’re going to get when you get the camera out. Getting the perfect picture requires great awareness of your surroundings. You need to be quick and adaptable, which makes it a challenge I love to face. For me, the beauty of street style photography also lies in its versatility. Even if many photographers have the same motive, each perspective is unique and tells a different story. My own point of view combined with the realness of the moment and the unique perception of the viewer is what makes street style photography so fascinating to me.